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To Buy Original Artworks

browse  images, still, life, scape, modern

find the image you like and ask for more info - 07858 449777


Place a commission


choose a photo of your own, life or scape, to be re-created in watercolour/ oils

send enquiry via contact form - we'll reply within 24 hours

prices from £100 (plus p&p) for watercolour on paper

prices from £175 (plus p&p) for oils on canvas

1/3 of the asking price paid to good causes

payment terms apply -

20% deposit then monthly payment can be arranged

To Buy Greetings Cards
Pig, Cow,  Camel individual cards
printed on quality card, glossy finish, with envelopes
£2 each or all 3 for £5 (50% guaranteed to the charity pot)
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